Earlier this year I agreed to participate in an online research panel and they started off on the wrong foot. I got their latest request today so thought I’d do it straight away. The topic was weight loss so I was vaguely interested…
What weight loss products have you heard of? By weight loss products we mean any medical treatments recommended by a doctor or pharmacist, exercise and diet regimes, weight loss programmes (through the use of books, groups, clinics, videos etc), shakes, protein drinks and so on.
Please type in the space below all those that come to mind.
I’m 38 years old, I’m female. How many years do they think I’ve been out in society being aware of my environment?
How old was I the first time my Mother tried and abandoned Weight Watchers? No idea, but she’d been on drugs and all sorts by the time I was 18 and she tried Jenny Craig.
So in 30 years, say, I’ve heard about 100s of products, regimes, companies. When I was feeding my babies I’d sit and watch endless infomercials for ab-blasters and who knows who else.
Did they honestly think I was going to wrack my brains and list even a small portion of them. Get real!!!
I totally agree about your comments on the clique thing, I too have fallen into answering asinine comments on which I find to be totally irrelevant and time consuming. Good on you!
From the silly email category I received this from Teej Mclaren this morning.
My reply
So “mole” is still used as an insult? I thought that went out in ’81 back when I was in the 4th form.