Last year I created a draft logo using an online tool to create a logo for Grubi Tennis. The final version was produced by a designer (as I’d lost the url of the original website).
I caught up with Paul yesterday to talk about some changes I’d made to his site and he mentioned that he’d be copping a bit of flak for stealing another companies logo. I don’t know whose, he didn’t seem clear either but he wanted to be sure that the logo was actually created for his use. With my hand on my heart, etc, I was able to reassure him that yes it was.
The scenario does raise interesting questions, are all the simple designs that incorporate letters already done – is it just a matter of time before you’ll stumble upon another one just the same.
Or can they be like fingerprints, with every one unique?
It’s a bit like music… are there any more unique songs or are they all “cover versions” ?
And what about when at that time in your life ‘most everyone “looks so familiar”?
I think there comes a point, whether in history or personal history, when you start thinking maybe you’ve seen it all before…