Author: Sarah King

This is my website.

June 17, 2005 / Other Stuff

I’ve been participating in a forum discussion over at DigitalPoint on the topic of sex as a commodity. The views have been interesting and because most of the members are male there’s a definate slant to the conversation.

Lets face it, what guy wants to think that his best feature is his wallet?

June 15, 2005 / Other Stuff

How often in a day do people tell you things, expecting you to comprehend the hidden question?

A simplistic example

My kids and their mates then come up to me (and I shouldn’t take these philosophies and practice on them but…) and say things like

“I’ve finished my juice”
“Mmmm, so you have”

June 15, 2005 / Other Stuff

Drugs aren’t something I think about, my life is too busy and my kids are too young – and I was never into them anyway. I was looking at another site and clicked on the ad to see what it was about. I’m normally immune to ads so it full marks to the designer 😉 I ended up at an anti drugs site called freevibe.

June 15, 2005 / Other Stuff

I work a couple of days a week for a big American company and have only used their email address at so I’m not sure where the spam is coming from but I’ve had a few 419 type emails. Here’s an extract from one:

June 14, 2005 / PHP & Web Development
June 13, 2005 / New Zealand
June 11, 2005 / Search Engine Optimisation

I was just cruising my logs, as you do on a Saturday night 🙁 and noticed something strange. Try searching for something using lowercase type, then repeat it all in uppercase. Do yo uget the same results?