Category: New Zealand

May 4, 2005 / New Zealand
Jeremy Wells and the savage dogs

The media love playing stunts on each other and these days with the young guns all trying to outdo each other it must be hard to stay on top of the game.

My husband, Andrew, was recently invited onto Paul Holmes‘ new show on Prime where Paul tries to do talk back on TV.

May 2, 2005 / New Zealand

As part of my role to post news articles up on the NZPIF website I try to add relevant hyperlinks to encourage people to find out more and to speak up when there are issues.

Some of the articles mention MPs by name and so I’ve tried to link to them.

People like the Hon Dr Michael Cullen.

April 30, 2005 / New Zealand
April 27, 2005 / New Zealand

As you travel through life you bump into all sorts of people. The internet is great because it exposes you to a far greater range of people, it’s a shame that you’ll never probably get to meet them. It broadens perspectives and challenges your preconceptions.

So moving on. There’s a chap called Mike aka SiteTutor who puts himself about a bit and he’s set up a real estate blog. I’ve taken a look at his demo and asked him to let me have my own. Not that there’s much point really but I was interested to see what it was.

So, the Pt Chevalier Real Estate blog is up!

April 27, 2005 / Sport
April 23, 2005 / New Zealand
April 23, 2005 / New Zealand

I was checking out kiwi blogs and thought I’d support the kiwi webring that’s been setup. Webrings are an old fashioned idea to link similar sites together and I hadn’t realised that they were still being used. So in solidarity I thought I’d sign up.