Category: Other Stuff

June 20, 2005 / New Zealand

Missed some doco that was on last night talking about computer games. My kids aren’t allowed much time playing them so I know I have some battles to come.

An argument has been mooted that computer games will be the new sport. Which is quite interesting. Sports were devised to train warriers and hunters how to fight and hunt.

June 17, 2005 / Other Stuff

I’ve been participating in a forum discussion over at DigitalPoint on the topic of sex as a commodity. The views have been interesting and because most of the members are male there’s a definate slant to the conversation.

Lets face it, what guy wants to think that his best feature is his wallet?

June 15, 2005 / Other Stuff

How often in a day do people tell you things, expecting you to comprehend the hidden question?

A simplistic example

My kids and their mates then come up to me (and I shouldn’t take these philosophies and practice on them but…) and say things like

“I’ve finished my juice”
“Mmmm, so you have”

June 15, 2005 / Other Stuff

Drugs aren’t something I think about, my life is too busy and my kids are too young – and I was never into them anyway. I was looking at another site and clicked on the ad to see what it was about. I’m normally immune to ads so it full marks to the designer 😉 I ended up at an anti drugs site called freevibe.

June 15, 2005 / Other Stuff

I work a couple of days a week for a big American company and have only used their email address at so I’m not sure where the spam is coming from but I’ve had a few 419 type emails. Here’s an extract from one:

June 11, 2005 / New Zealand
June 10, 2005 / Other Stuff

I’m no legal gun but here’s a scenario from my ideal world.

I’m in a hotel, and I have a hissy fit and whack a member of staff with a phone causing injury and stress. The staff member has every right to do a job without being assaulted so the cops get called.

If the “problem” is a police matter then why does it appear to world that I can open my wallet and fork out $$$ to buy the police off. Ok, I’m buying my victim off, but I get 2 for the price of 1.

June 1, 2005 / Other Stuff