It may be a little OCD of me but I get really annoyed when TradeMe users post items in completely the wrong category. Take these two… they’re in the iPhone 6s+ category for complete phones and not for accessories – and the screen protector is for a 4s, what a waste of time and effort?!
Category: PHP & Web Development
Microsoft’s .Net applications have failed to dominate the web world. Certainly there are alot of sites using it, and alot of very good applications built in it but the closed door, clip the ticket approach has blocked alot of interest. Add to that the lower hosting costs of PHP and you’re onto a winner with smaller enterprises.
Now Microsoft are announcing that their focus has moved away from the PC and onto the Web and that LiveMesh is their new baby. We’re yet to see what LiveMesh actually is but LiveSide define it as:
My attention was drawn today to another discussion about newbies and their click-n-fraud requests made on their own sites, along side their links on other sites and in emails. Google (and hopefully the other ad networks) quickly blitz these fraudsters and they find themselves without any advertising at all.
A quick search on Google comes up with examples like this:
Now that’s easy situation, but what about when the site involves revenue sharing via a joint account?
Today’s the day!!! The Web Developers Association of New Zealand is officially launched.
The NZ industry has had informal networking groups such as the PHPUG and organised gatherings but has no national identity. Something which is sorely needed.
Dennis Smith has taken the bull by the horns and started up the WDANZ. There are three levels of membership and it’s primarily aimed as a training and marketing tool for local developers.
I spoke with Dennis last month about
I was doing a reorganisation of RealState’s Ontario category and wanted to manually check one of the sites and found I was “forbidden”
You don’t have permission to access / on this server.Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
While the rest of us are using Akismet, content filters and the like this site’s webmaster had taken a bolder approach to knocking dead the spammers…
Well not really, but a DP’er wanted to know how to pull a random link from a directory and direct her visitor there. Not my style of surfing but hey…
You can see Surprise Me working over at Top 100 vBulletin, just look down the menu on the left hand side.
Here’s the code
I’ve just been playing with javascript changing the style of an item directly as part of my prep for an AJAX integrated project. Making sure the code is cross browser is really important so I pulled together some bits and pieces from all over the place and have put together a test page with tabbed forms and a style changer.
The key elements are the ability to get the element using any of the browser types.
I received an email notification to a forum post I’d participated in this morning, and bang, there went a chunk of time…

The trigger was a new site called PopURLs which is basically a single page aggregator of some of the major feed sites. Nothing radical there but down the bottom there’s the opportunity to post a link yourself. Given the OpenSourceCMS experience I had to check it out and submit a link.