Shawn Hogan runs digitalpoint – a collection of web services and a webmasters forum. I’ve dubious honor of being member #29 so I’ve been hanging around there for a bit.
iTamer Posts

What devastating news I read in the school newsletter last night! Gorgeous Carol, our star Kindergarten teacher, is moving down to Christchurch. Hard to believe that in the last year we’ve lost 2 teachers to the one-eyed city!
We moved into our current house 2 years ago and when we bought we had some very loose criteria – except that we knew exactly which part of the city we wanted to buy in. Agents soon learnt not to suggest “one suburb over” and we learnt to trust them to call us when something came up.
Well here’s a funny old thing. I’ve done a bit of coding on PropertyTalk and I’ve put up a currency converter courtesy of OzForex. Every so often someone keys in something odd.
Wow, I went to my Book Club (gets me out of the house and away from the PC) two nights ago and brought home The Third Person by Steve Mosby
! It’s gritty and not entirely pleasant but totally gripping.
This is a case study of Surfing San Diego, a successful site being run by a chap called Josh. I flamed a chap one night for having bad code and Josh sacrificed his own site and challenged me to tell him how to put it right.