I’m a newbie to Skype (profile: sarah.king) and while I’m not doing much with it right now I’m very impressed with the clarity and convenience. If I could have a wireless headset I’d be set.
BizDrivenLife had a link to ComputerWorld – Skype: hazardous to network health?
Your corporate desktops and notebooks are the peers that are consigned as Skype pleases to relay traffic and function as mini-servers in the Skype universe. A blog entry on the eBay acquisition envisioned Skype producing an auction conference system that could handle 500 callers at once. Let’s hope they don’t decide to route that through your network some day.
I thought that kind of shenanigans was limited to the music sharing industry. I certainly don’t have a problem with it, provided it’s explained upfront. After all I’m getting something for nothing and we all know there’s no such thing as a free lunch. There had to be a hook somewhere.
My SOHO PC (the one with Skype) also gets used by the kids when I’m onsite contracting so I frequently reboot before I leave so that they can login. I guess I’ll keep doing that and monitoring our bandwidth use.
Read about free Skype Out calls…
Skype is brilliant, been using it for months now and saved around GBP80.00 a month on calls. And the clarity of Skype-to-Skype calls is excellent.
I also purchased a UK SkypeIn phone number for when I was in the US so that my boss could call at a UK rate every morning. And then I got a US SkypeIn phone number too, just so that my girlfriend could call at local rate from work or mobile and my Canadian client could get in touch at a decent rate.
So there ya go, can you get SkypeIn numbers for NZ?