Tag: module

October 13, 2005 / Mambo / Joomla

I’ve been using Link Vault on this blog and another site for while and the system seems to work well. I hadn’t put it on my hobby site because I hadn’t taken the time to create a module to place it on the site. However the site has a stack of pages so lots of opportunity to increase my vaultage.

I’ve just completed a small module I’ve written for Mambo 4.5.3 and Joomla 1 which will make it easy for users to add Link Vault to their sites. The module replaces Step 2 of the installation instructions…

October 12, 2005 / Mambo / Joomla
July 15, 2005 / Mambo / Joomla

When you are writing a custom module or component for Mambo you can have parameters which are set in the Admin control panel and feed through to the application at run time. This allows the same code to have separate instances with distinct differences.