I received an email notification to a forum post I’d participated in this morning, and bang, there went a chunk of time…

The trigger was a new site called PopURLs which is basically a single page aggregator of some of the major feed sites. Nothing radical there but down the bottom there’s the opportunity to post a link yourself. Given the OpenSourceCMS experience I had to check it out and submit a link.
At the same time I thought I’d see if any of the links were actually interesting. Normally at Digg etc I yawn and move on. This time there were a handful of interest. Most notably Christian Montoya’s blog, not so much for the article I actually found but for his 14 Resources for the Artistically Challenged. I’m always on the lookout for nice collections of icons and have already used on some behind the scenes work I’m doing for PropertyTalk.

There are some beautiful images over at stock.xchng but I was amused at a seach for kiwi producing 6 pages of fruit with a handful of shots of kiwi-bird toys.
Guess what?! The birds came first, they are “the” kiwis. The fruit were named after them – and I reckon they should always be called “kiwifruit”.
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